Die Lisbon der Reederei Hanjin verläßt den Hamburger Hafen, Juni 2006 Photo:www.GregorSchlaeger.de Mobil:0049 172 28 222 62

The latest news on the Hanjin bankruptcy from South Korea’s Yonhap News Agency, which claims that of the line’s 97 vessels, just 36 are sailing as per usual, with the remaining 61 anchored at sea or arrested in ports. As a result, the SK government has sought three ports worldwide that have offered the company stay orders against arrest requests from creditors, which means ports can begin unloading the estimated 540,000 teu worldwide that is trapped on Hanjin’s vessels, while the vessels themselves under legal protection. The three ports are Hamburg, Singapore and Los Angeles, as well as Gwangyang and Busan in South Korea.

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